Studio West
Uptown’s Studio West has evolved from a digital recording studio to a full service audio and video production, voiceover, and sound design suite. A large isolation booth as well as a Whisper Room, offer varying degrees of isolation. Studio West includes a Genelec 5.1 surround sound system. This room features ProTools HDX with the latest Avid HD series interfaces, and touch screen multi-touch control over everything. We also have a blend of Class-A vintage and modern era preamps and microphones, providing the flexibility to match the right source with the right signal path. Studio West rivals the best Audio & Video Post Production rooms in the city.
- Avid Pro Tools 11HD and 12HD
- Plugins by: Avid, Steven Slate Audio, Izotope, Universal Audio, Bomb Factory and more
- Reason 8
- Roxio Toast
- DVD Studio Pro
- Final Cut Pro
- Soundtrack Pro
- Foley/Sound Design Library
- ART TPS (2 Channel Tube Preamplifier)
- Avalon 737sp Channel Strip (Preamp/EQ/Compressor)
- Audient ASP880 (8 Channel Microphone Preamplifier)
- Avalon U5 DI Box
- Drawmer MX60 Channel Strip (Preamp/EQ/Compressor)
- Drawmer MX30 2 CHannel Dynamics Processor
- Emperical Labs EL8 Distressor (w/ British MOD)
- John Hardy M1 Microphone Preamplifiers
- Joe Meek VC3Q Microphone (Preamp/EQ/Compressor)
- Manley Labs Langevin Dual Voice Combo Preamp/EQ/Litimter
- Presonus ADL 600 2 Channel Microphone Preamplifier
- Slate Digital Linear Microphone Preamp (VMS System)
- Sytek MX4 (4 Channel Microphone Preamplifier)
- Universal Audio 6176 Microphone Preamp/1176 Compressor
- ProTools HDX Systems 24 I/O each up to 32bit 192khz
- Avid HD Series Interfaces
- Slate Digital VMS (Virtual Microphone System)
- Slate Digital Raven MTX MKII Touchscreen Control Surface
- Slate Digital Raven MTI Touchscreen Control Surface
- Fatar Studio 900 Pro
- DVD/VHS Player (For Video Capture)
- M-Audio Oxygen 8
- Genelec 1030A1029/7060 5.1 system
- Yamaha GB1 Baby Grand Piano
- 1957 Hammond B3 Organ
- Motion Sound Leslie Speaker System